Rotary Acronyms
Acronym / Abbreviation | Meaning |
AG | Assistant Governor |
APF | Annual Program Fund |
ARHRF now ARH | Australian Rotary Health Research Fund now Australian Rotary Health |
ANZO | Australian, New Zealand and Oceania RI region |
CLP | Club Leadership Plan |
CMS | Citation of Meritorious Service |
COG | Council of Governors |
COL | Council on Legislation |
DDF | District Designated Fund |
DG | District Governor |
DGE | District Governor Elect |
DGN | District Governor Nominee |
DIK | Donations in Kind |
DLP | District Leadership Plan |
DLT | District Leadership Team |
DOTS | District Officers Training Seminar |
DSA | Distinguished Service Award |
EREY | Every Rotarian Every Year |
FAIM | Fourth Avenue in Motion (now Rotary Volunteers) |
FRP | Foundation Recognition Points |
GETS | District Governor Training Seminar |
GFE | Group Friendship Exchange |
GSE | Group Study Exchange |
GYE | Global Youth Exchange (now YEP) |
3H | Hunger, Health and Humanity |
IFCR | International Fellowship of Cricketing Rotarians |
IFFR | International Fellowship of Flying Rotarians |
IFGR | International Fellowship of Golfing Rotarians |
IFYR | International Fellowship of Yachting Rotarians |
International Plastic Surgery Propram |
IPAC | International Project Advisory Committee |
IPDG | Immediate Past District Governor |
IPP | Immediate Past President |
MG | Matching Grant |
MOP | Manual of Procedure |
MUNA | Model United Nations Assembly |
NID | National Immunisation Days (Polio) |
NYSF | National Youth Science Forum |
PDG | Past District Governor |
PE | President Elect |
PEPS | Presidents Elect Preparatory Seminers (Pre-PETS) |
PETS | Presidents Elect Training Seminar |
PHF | Paul Harris Fellow |
PHF+ | Paul Harris Fellow Multiple Recognition |
PHS | Paul Harris Society |
PHSM | Paul Harries Sustaining Member |
PN | President Nominee |
PP | Past President |
PRI | President Rotary International |
PRIE | President Rotary International Elect |
PRIP | Past Rotary International President |
PROBUS | Professional and Business (Club) |
RAG | Rotary Action Group |
RAM | Rotarians Against Malaria |
RAOAF | Rotary Australia Overseas Aid Fund |
RAWCS | Rotary Australia World Community Service |
RC | Rotary Club |
RCC | Rotary Community Corps |
RCIS | Rotary Centres for International Studies |
RDU | Rotary Down Under |
RFE | Rotary Friendship Exchange |
RFSM | Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member |
RI | Rotary International |
RID | Rotary International Director |
RIP | Rotary International President |
RIPE | Rotary International President Elect |
RIPPR | Rotary International President’s Personal Representative |
RISPPO | Rotary International South Pacific & Philippines Office |
ROMAC | Rotary Oceanic Medical Aid for Children |
ROTEX | Rotary Exchange returned students |
ROTI | Rotarians on the Internet |
Rtn | Rotarian |
RVIA | Rotary Volunteers in Action |
RWADE | Rotary WA Driver Education |
RWPF | Rotary World Peace Fellow |
RYE | Rotary Youth exchange |
RYLA | Rotary Youth Leadership Award |
RYPEN | Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment |
SWSL | Save Water Save Lives |
TRF | The Rotary Foundation |
TWF | The World Fund |
VTT | Vocational Training Team |
WCS | World Community Service |
WFA | World Fellowship Activities |
YEP | Youth Exchange Program |