Past District Governors

 Michael J. Rabara
Year of Service: 2024-25

 Debbie Hale
Year of Service: 2023-24

 Rebecca Moser
Year of Service: 2022-23

 Bruce D. Mackey
Year of Service: 2021-22

 Joy Gonzales Anderson
Year of Service: 2020-21

 Rauden Howell Coburn III
Year of Service: 2019-20

 Monika A. Fewtrell
Year of Service: 2018-19

 Arthur L. Gaffrey
Year of Service: 2017-18

 Yavuz V. Atila
Year of Service: 2016-17

 Michael J. Andritch
Year of Service: 2015-16

 Joseph P. Grebmeier
Year of Service: 2014-15

 Leroy W. Blankenship
Year of Service: 2013-14

 Shirley Grace
Year of Service: 2012-13

 George Jacob Wade Jr.
Year of Service: 2011-12

 Young Koh
Year of Service: 2010-11

 Robert Eurich
Year of Service: 2009-10

 Nina C. Clancy
Year of Service: 2007-08

 Donald E. Kremer
Year of Service: 2006-07

 Gloria M. Clinton
Year of Service: 2004-05

 Rodney A. Belton
Year of Service: 2003-04

 Kenneth Robert Boyd
Year of Service: 1990-91

 Peter J. Penner
Year of Service: 1984-85

District History

In 1915, Rotary International divided its clubs into separate Districts, improving administration and enhancing opportunities for growth.

Originally, the region that was to become District 5230 encompassed a wide area including the cities of Albuquerque, Berkeley, Fresno, Honolulu, Los Angeles, Oakland, Phoenix, Reno, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, and Stockton.

In 1957, District 522 was established covering the area from Sanger/Avenal in the south, Carmel/Monterey on the Coast, Fresno in the east, and Lodi in the north.

On April 18, 1980 in Sparks, Nevada, District 522 Governor Donald R. Foppiano appointed a committee to study regrouping the clubs.

The committee, comprised of nine PDG’s, including PRIP Cliff Dochterman, Chairman, District Secretary Martin Nelsen, and two AR’s, completed its work in 1982.

It recommended regrouping clubs within Districts 522 and 524 to form District 523.

Like all Districts in the Californian region, District 5230 began its life as the Western Division created as a consequence of the Duluth Conference in 1912.

In 1915, the Western Division was named District 13 upon the introduction of the newly created “district system” of numbering.

District 13 remained only for 3 years when, as a result of the growth of clubs in the region of California, renumbering became necessary.  In consequence, District 23 was created in 1918 and incorporated the entire state of California.

In most cases, renumbering procedures caused an advancement in numbers but in 1923, the district was numbered from 23 to District 2.


Our Past Governors

Debbie Hale 2023-24
Rebecca Moser 2022-23
Bruce D. Mackey 2021-22
Joy Gonzales Anderson 2020-21
Rauden Howell (Rod) Coburn III 2019-20
Monika A. Fewtrell, 2018-19
Arthur L. (Art) Gaffrey 2017-18
Yavuz V. Atila 2016-17
Michael J. (Mike) Andritch 2015-16
Joseph P. (Joe) Grebmeier 2014-15
Leroy W. (Lee) Blankenship 2013-14
Shirley Grace 2012-13
George Jacob Jr. Wade 2011-12
Young Koh 2010-11
Robert (Bob) Eurich 2009-10
August A. Hioco 2008-09
Nina C. Clancy 2007-08
Donald E. (Don) Kremer 2006-07
Ted L. Marsella 2005-06
Gloria M. Clinton 2004-05
Rodney A. (Rod) Belton 2003-04
Michael S. (Mike) Hannigan 2002-03
Norman T. Jr. (Tom) Stahl 2001-02
Gerry Roberts 2000-01
LeRoy G. (Roy) Massey 1999-00
Raymond Rhan 1998-99
Charles Montgomery 1997-98
Mary Margaret Fleming 1996-97
Raymond Jr. (Ray) Gomez 1995-96
Wylie W. Mitchell 1994-95
Robert H. (Bob) Farmer 1993-94
Finis Jeffers 1992-93
J. Richard Neill 1991-92
Kenneth Robert (Ken) Boyd 1990-91
Richard A. (Dick) Johanson 1989-90
Bill Sell 1988-89
Edward (Ed) Nichols 1987-88
Carlo Cortopassi 1986-87
Charles A. Jr. (Chas) Looney 1985-86
Peter J. (Pete) Penner 1984-85
Wilbur H. Stevens* 1983-84
Martin C. Nelsen* 1982-83
A.C. Willemsen* 1981-82
Donald R. (Don) Foppiano 1979-80
George F. Ilg* 1978-80
Walter E. McCloud* 1977-78
Walter E. Staley* 1976-77
Jerry Barden* 1975-76
Robert K. Kanagawa* 1974-75
John Lunney* 1973-74
Richard M. Catlin* 1972-73
Harold V. Thompson* / Laurence Lyles* 1971-72