Happy New Rotary Year!
I am truly honored to serve as your District Governor for 2020-2021.
As we start the new year under unique circumstances I have had the opportunity to follow our clubs creativity and flexibility as we carry on during the COVID-19 pandemic. We will be tasked to continue following state and local guidelines as the economy opens up and restrictions begin to lift. We always want to be sure we keep the health and safety of our members as our highest priority.
I will be making club visits virtually and hope that as the year progresses I will be able to visit in person during service projects, fundraisers and club gatherings. I will always be available to you via email or phone call.
RI President Holger Knaack’s theme for 2020-21, Rotary Opens Opportunities, asks Rotarians to create opportunities that strengthen their leadership, help put service ideas into action, and improve the lives of those in need.
As we continue to grow membership it is important to find the right people who have the passion to carry on our service to humanity and support The Rotary Foundation. We should be selective, in order to strengthen membership for the long term.
The Challenges
My other challenge is to have everyone sign up for Rotary Direct and contribute to The Rotary Foundation. This can be done simply by signing a form to deduct monies each month from your checking account or credit card. The minimum amount is $10.00/month. We can all give up that extra cup of coffee and muffin once a month. Let’s make our District show full support for the Rotary Foundation and continue to receive grants for our service projects.
When I started my road to becoming District Governor and preparing your Club Presidents at PETS I selected a theme of “Super Heroes” because I believe that all the members in our District are super heroes! You prove that each and everyday by living by the Four Way Test and your commitment to serving humanity.
The world has a lot of unknowns and we’ve had to regroup and punt. Unfortunately, we’ve experienced cancellations of many programs and conferences from RI International Convention down to Club Training Assembly as well as this year’s Rotary Exchange Program and Camp Royal. Disappointed? Yes, but we will be stronger and emerge from challenges with grit and perseverance. I’m going to start this year by saying “Congratulations” because you’ve already started with great enthusiasm and motivation. I look forward to celebrating everyday and saying thank you.
The Five Avenues of Service

Club Service

Vocational Service

Community Service

International Service

Youth Service
Rotary District 5230’s Vision
As a global network that strives to build a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change, Rotary continues to value diversity and celebrates the contributions of people of all backgrounds, regardless of their age, ethnicity, race, color, abilities, religion, socioeconomic status, culture, sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity.