Global Grant Guidelines

Global Grants allow clubs to use their donations to the Rotary Foundation to Do Good in the World.  These policies are designed to encourage club and District participation in global grants, and assure good stewardship in the use of Rotary Foundation contributions.

Rotary Foundation Policies

Global grants are a partnership between a host club or District and an international sponsor club or District.  These partners conduct a community assessment and develop a humanitarian project, scholarship or vocational training team that support one of the six areas of focus:

  • Promoting Peace
  • Fighting Disease
  • Providing Clean Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
  • Saving Mothers and Children
  • Supporting Education
  • Growing Local Economies

The minimum budget for a global grant project is $30,000. Clubs and districts contribute District Designated Funds (DDF) and/or cash contributions that the Rotary Foundation’s World Fund matches. The World Fund will provide a minimum match of $15,000 and maximum of $400,000. District designated funds are matched 100% and club or individual cash is matched at 50%. More information on Rotary policies for Global Grants can be found on the Rotary International webpage for Global Grants.

District Matching Funds

District 5230 will match up to 100% of club contributions to an approved global grant, up to a maximum of $25,000 per grant.  This match is available for global grants initiated within the District, or for club contributions to global grant projects in other Districts.  The District Governor, District Foundation Chair and the District Subcommittee Chair are responsible for approving the District Designated Fund match.  Their review will be based on club qualifications, project eligibility, and available District Designated Fund funds.  Funds are available on a first come, first served basis; however, if the District Designated Fund balance becomes depleted before the end of the Rotary year, the District may establish a rating system for distributing future DDF matching funds.  In addition, in order to encourage cross­-district participation in global grants, the District Governor may set aside up to $20,000 in DDF to put towards a global grant project of his/her choosing.

Once a District Designated Fund contribution has been approved and a draft Global Grant filed, the District Designated Fund match is available up to three years, or until the grant is approved by the Rotary Foundation. After three years, if the global grant has not yet been approved, the District match expires and must be resubmitted for approval.

Club Qualifications

In order to be the host sponsor or international club sponsor for a Global Grant, District 5230 clubs must have:

  • Grants Training: Sent at least one current club member to grants training in the most recent cycle of workshops.
  • MOU and Financial Plan: Filed the signed Club Qualifications MOU and Financial Plan with the District Grants Subcommittee.
  • Prior Grant Reports: Filed the required progress and final reports for existing Global Grants.
  • Contributions to the Rotary Foundation: Made individual or club donations totaling a minimum of $1000 to the Rotary Foundation in the past (or present, for new clubs) Rotary year.

Approval Process

Clubs are highly encouraged to contact the District Grants Subcommittee Chair early in the global grant application process to get information and assistance prior to initiating their grant on the website.   To get approval for District Designated Fund participation in a global grant, the club’s primary contact will need to contact the District Grants Subcommittee Chair before the grant is submitted to the Rotary Foundation for approval.  The Subcommittee Chair will review the draft grant or grant concept and recommend modifications or recommend approval in concept to the District Governor and the District Foundation Chair.

Before a global grant can be submitted for evaluation by the Rotary Foundation, the grant application must be authorized by the host and international club Presidents, and the host and international District Foundation Chairs and District Governors.


The District Grant Subcommittee Chair and the Global Grants Coordinator are assigned by the District to be a resource for clubs in initiating successful global grants.  The contact information for these individuals is as follows:

District Grant Subcommittee Chair:
Debbie Hale, (831) 596-4542

Global Grants Coordinator: