Rotary Acronyms

 Acronym / Abbreviation                Meaning
  AG   Assistant Governor
  APF   Annual Program Fund
  ARHRF now ARH   Australian Rotary Health Research Fund  now  Australian Rotary Health
  ANZO   Australian, New Zealand and Oceania RI region
  CLP   Club Leadership Plan
  CMS   Citation of Meritorious Service
  COG   Council of Governors
  COL   Council on Legislation
  DDF   District Designated Fund
  DG   District Governor
  DGE   District Governor Elect
  DGN   District Governor Nominee
  DIK   Donations in Kind
  DLP   District Leadership Plan
  DLT   District Leadership Team
  DOTS   District Officers Training Seminar
  DSA   Distinguished Service Award
  EREY   Every Rotarian Every Year
  FAIM   Fourth Avenue in Motion (now Rotary Volunteers)
  FRP   Foundation Recognition Points
  GETS   District Governor Training Seminar
  GFE   Group Friendship Exchange
  GSE   Group Study Exchange
  GYE   Global Youth Exchange (now YEP)
  3H   Hunger, Health and Humanity
  IFCR   International Fellowship of Cricketing Rotarians
  IFFR   International Fellowship of Flying Rotarians
  IFGR   International Fellowship of Golfing Rotarians
  IFYR   International Fellowship of Yachting Rotarians
  International Plastic Surgery Propram
  IPAC   International Project Advisory Committee
  IPDG   Immediate Past District Governor
  IPP   Immediate Past President
  MG   Matching Grant
  MOP   Manual of Procedure
  MUNA   Model United Nations Assembly
  NID   National Immunisation Days (Polio)
  NYSF   National Youth Science Forum
  PDG   Past District Governor
  PE   President Elect
  PEPS   Presidents Elect Preparatory Seminers (Pre-PETS)
  PETS   Presidents Elect Training Seminar
  PHF   Paul Harris Fellow
  PHF+   Paul Harris Fellow Multiple Recognition
  PHS   Paul Harris Society
  PHSM   Paul Harries Sustaining Member
  PN   President Nominee
  PP   Past President
  PRI   President Rotary International
  PRIE   President Rotary International Elect
  PRIP   Past Rotary International President
  PROBUS   Professional and Business (Club)
  RAG   Rotary Action Group
  RAM   Rotarians Against Malaria
  RAOAF   Rotary Australia Overseas Aid Fund
  RAWCS   Rotary Australia World Community Service
  RC   Rotary Club
  RCC   Rotary Community Corps
  RCIS   Rotary Centres for International Studies
  RDU   Rotary Down Under
  RFE   Rotary Friendship Exchange
  RFSM   Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member
  RI   Rotary International
  RID   Rotary International Director
  RIP   Rotary International President
  RIPE   Rotary International President Elect
  RIPPR   Rotary International President’s Personal Representative
  RISPPO   Rotary International South Pacific & Philippines Office
  ROMAC   Rotary Oceanic Medical Aid for Children
  ROTEX   Rotary Exchange returned students
  ROTI   Rotarians on the Internet
  Rtn   Rotarian
  RVIA   Rotary Volunteers in Action
  RWADE   Rotary WA Driver Education
  RWPF   Rotary World Peace Fellow
  RYE   Rotary Youth exchange
  RYLA   Rotary Youth Leadership Award
  RYPEN   Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment
  SWSL   Save Water Save Lives
  TRF   The Rotary Foundation
  TWF   The World Fund
  VTT   Vocational Training Team
  WCS   World Community Service
  WFA   World Fellowship Activities
  YEP   Youth Exchange Program

District Calendar

Carmel Valley President Demotion
July 28th 2024
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3rd Annual South Valley Rawide Baseball game
July 31st 2024
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Carmel Valley Train Activity Fiesta
Aug 3rd - Aug 4th 2024
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Governor Vist - Visalia Sunset Rotary Club
August 5th 2024
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District 5230 Membership Committee
August 8th 2024
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Pacific Grove Concours Auto Rally-30th Annual
August 16th 2024
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Bi-monthly Club Meeting @ China's Alley 6 pm
August 22nd 2024
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BIG WEST BIG IDEAS | Zones 26 and 27 Institute
Sep 11th - Sep 14th 2024
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Large Club Conference--Memphis
Oct 8th - Oct 10th 2024
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